How to change your identity and take charge of your life
Whether or not you resonate with ‘new year, new you’, most of us we can probably agree that change isn’t simply an important aspect of life — it’s life itself. Whilst we cannot stop change, we can shape it.
What is it that you genuinely desire for this year?
No matter what you want - a meaningful job, a successful business, a conscious relationship, losing weight, being a successful leader, realising it has a lot to do with your sense of identity.
We are constantly evolving and being changed by everything that is happening around us - for good or bad - and yet it is important to realise that for most of us, our identity is rooted in the past. I will come to this in a minute, but first let’s look at ‘identity’.
There are many ways to define ‘identity’, and the one that resonates with me is the following: “memories, experiences, relationships and values that create one’s sense of self”. Who you are today is the result and combination of past memories, past experiences and past connections…that you may or not have consciously chosen.
If you love who you are today and live the life you desire, that’s great (and yet you may choose to elevate even more). If despite taking actions, you’re not getting the results you want - losing weight, switching job, earning more money or finding true love etc - the key may be to work on your identity. Know that you have the power to shape, refine, transform your identity - if you choose to.
Step 1
Your identity is not fixed. Reflect on who you want to be exactly as a person.
This is different from the roles you may have in life (parent, child, spouse, colleague, leader, business owner etc…).
If you’re not sure where to start, consider your goal/dream and who you need to become to reach it. You can get inspired by people around you who have already achieved what you want - in which way are they similar to you and in which way are they different? What did they do to get to where they’re at now?
Create a detailed description of the person who you want to be. Once you’re clear, move to step 2.
Step 2
Visualise in your mind the ‘new you’. Be very specific and use all your senses.
The brain works with images, so play the movie of the ideal life of your ‘new you’ in your mind.
Practising this over and over will bring up new opportunities and lead you to make choices and take decisions that bring your vision to life, maybe in unexpected ways. Be open on how it may turn up.
If you’re being sceptical, I invite you to consider athletes. In addition to physical training, they are being coached on how to visualise the perfect race, or game over and over in their head before it happens.
Step 3
Last but not least (and perhaps the most tricky) is to change your mindset.
Approach your current reality from a different perceptive and begin thinking like the ‘new you’. Maybe you’ll start adopting a different attitude, becoming more joyful, celebrating what you have, expecting to get what you want more easily, and you’ll commit to a ‘growth mindset’.
Whether you are conscious of it, your reality is shaped by your beliefs and most people’s beliefs are based in the past as you know. Some beliefs are supportive when others are limiting. If you want to find out more about this topic, I invite you to read “How your early childhood shapes your adult life”.
Become aware of your thoughts and the beliefs that may be sabotaging your efforts.
Changing beliefs can require deep work, and if you need to, get support. In any case, you can have fun thinking about how your ‘new you’ would be thinking versus how you are thinking today. Keep what works for you and let go of what doesn’t.
Life is a process of becoming. So, I am asking you, who do you want to become?
Imagine how your life would be by tapping into your natural abilities to BE, DO and HAVE what you really want in your life, and how it would impact positively on the life of those around you. Instead of accepting the status quo, you can choose to turn all the “I can’t” and “I shouldn’t” into create new possibilities for yourself. Are you now keen to create a positive change in your life?
I can help you feel centered, tap into your inner strength, express your essence and live fulfilled through the ‘Inside-out’ Approach.
Until we meet, take care.
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Hi! I’m Cécile Bleskine
I support women lead a fulfilled life, feeling aligned with who they are and what they want
Fascinated by the connection between mind, body and energy, I have specialised in several modalities, that when combined, facilitate personal and professional transformation
My passion for blending neuroscience and meditation (mind), somatic and emotion based work (body) and practices such as reiki and sound healing (energy) creates a profound experience that brings about lasting results
This ‘Inside-out’ Approach is what sets my work apart
If you’d like to know more about what I offer, click here