Feeling Is Key


I’m curious: what do you do when you’re having a tough time? When you feel annoyed, upset, anxious, angry, jealous, frustrated, sad, etc, do you:

  • reach for a piece of chocolate, an ice cream or a glass of wine?

  • go the gym and sweat it out?

  • indulge in some retail therapy or something else that makes you feel good?

  • use positive thinking?

  • ignore it and carry on?

  • call your friend?

  • distract yourself on social media?

  • bury yourself in work?

  • say to yourself that tomorrow will be a better day, or

  • do something else?

Somehow, most people have learned along the way to look for a quick fix, to block, avoid or repress emotions, especially those that society perceives as ‘negative’.

I now invite you to reflect on two scenarios:

  1. First, think of the time where you felt anger as a child. What was the reaction of those around you and what was said? Were you told to be quiet, to stop immediately and go to your room? Were you guided to find a way of understanding your feelings, name it or describe what you felt in your body? Were you shown how to process the feeling and express anger in a non agressive way?

  2. If you have children, I invite you to think of the last time your child was sad. What did you say and do?

Anger is more often than not frowned upon, and considered something to stop.

When a child is sad, an adult’s natural response is often to try to take the pain away and give reassurance that all is ok.

Children are rarely invited to express the fullness of their emotions and shown healthy ways to work with uncomfortable emotions.

Most people I know grew up learning to push away, mask, numb, and hide the ‘uncomfortable’. It became a coping and defence mechanism. Many grown ups therefore end up living their adult life without knowing what to do with what they feel (other than ‘control it’), or being able to connect with what they feel.

“What we resist persists”

Unresolved emotions stay trapped in the body, and people can be ruled by their emotions without realising that this is happening. Hard-wired emotions have energy that pushes up to be expressed one way or another, and it can have an impact both emotionally and physically:

  • muscular tensions

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • stress

  • intestinal issues

  • headaches

  • insomnia

  • auto-immune disorders etc

Once you realise the power of emotions, simply taking the time to acknowledge your own can be a great discovery. What if you could get curious and try inviting these emotions in, to reflect or meditate on them?

This may feel counter-intuitive to you: why would you want to get close to difficult emotions?

Well, allowing your difficult emotions gives you not only a chance to meet them with compassion, but also the opportunity to tune into the wisdom that they carry with them. Think about it. Sometimes your emotions can let you know when you need to set limits/boundaries, or they guide you to make a different choice for your own wellbeing and happiness.

Emotions also need to be ‘felt’ as part of a healing or recovery process, as is the case with grief, or any big shock in life (such as redundancy, break ups and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic).

How can you do this? Meditation, journalling and going ‘inward’, are some of the options you can choose from. If you’re interested in finding out more, stay tuned. You’ll discover in my next blog “4 Steps to Make Anger your Ally”.

Feeling your emotions fully is key to be aligned, fulfilled and happy in life. If you want support in working with intense and difficult emotions, learning to ‘have tea’ with them so that they become your ally, click here.

Imagine how your life would be by tapping into your natural abilities to BE, DO and HAVE what you really want in your life, and how it would impact positively on the life of those around you. Instead of accepting the status quo, you can choose to turn all the “I can’t” and “I shouldn’t” into create new possibilities for yourself. Are you now keen to create a positive change in your life?

I can help you feel centered, tap into your inner strength, express your essence and live fulfilled through the ‘Inside-out’ Approach.

Until we meet, take care.


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Hi! I’m Cécile Bleskine

I support women lead a fulfilled life, feeling aligned with who they are and what they want

Fascinated by the connection between mind, body and energy, I have specialised in several modalities, that when combined, facilitate personal and professional transformation

My passion for blending neuroscience and meditation (mind), somatic and emotion based work (body) and practices such as reiki and sound healing (energy) creates a profound experience that brings about lasting results

This ‘Inside-out’ Approach is what sets my work apart

If you’d like to know more how we can work together, click here


4 Steps to make Anger your Ally


Have the Audacity to do anything YOU want