The ‘Behind the Scenes’ Benefits of Deep Relaxation
You’re probably aware that relaxation should be on top of your list of priorities - whether you’re a workaholic or a stay-at-home mom (it’s true for all of us in fact), and that not all forms of relaxation are of equal value. I bet that you know that whilst chilling out on Friday night drinking wine and eating pizza may feel good at the time, or scrolling through social media during your lunch may feel like you’re ‘taking a break’, it’s not what we mean by ‘Deep Relaxation’.
Relaxation is a personal thing and different people will enjoy different techniques and activities, so it’s worth exploring and finding the ones which suit you best.
What are the benefits Deep Relaxation actually bring you?
In your body
Deep relaxation will first help you release the build up of tension and tightness in your muscles, your breathing will be smoother and more steady - which in turn will have a direct positive impact on calming your nervous system - reintroducing you to a state of balance and counterbalancing the negative impact of stress.
Significant research shows that Deep Relaxation is crucial to be healthy. This is not only a very powerful tool, this is also a necessary one in our society where stress is rampant.
Deep Relaxation will help you to:
slow your heart rate
lower your blood pressure
improve your digestion (it’s been said that our gut is the seat of our immune system)
maintain normal blood sugar levels
reduce the activity of stress hormones
reducing muscle tension and chronic pain
Beyond your body
When done long enough and/or well enough, physical relaxation leads to relaxation of your mind. An inner letting-go that often leads to something deeply restful inside. You can access thoughts and emotions arising from your unconscious - tapping into your inner resources, capabilities to create a resilient mind, build on your self-confidence and gain clarity. And, very importantly you’ll feel at peace, comfortable with your own self and about yourself.
Deep relaxation will help you to:
take a moment for yourself and ‘pause’ from your busy life
experience a deep feeling of calmness and wellbeing, which is wonderful for you and those around you
improve life-skills (such as your ability to be compassionate, empathic, grateful, loving, etc.) impacting positively on your relationships - with yourself and others
clarify your deepest desires
sharpen your focus, enabling you to take meaningful actions
boost your energy
increase your ability to cope in different situations (trusting the unknown)
feel happier and healthier
bring more joy and pleasure into your life
connect with yourself
If you practise yoga and shavasanah is your favorite position at the end of your yoga class, well, you’ll now be able to enjoy it guilt free after reading how important relaxation is!
You may also want to discover the power of Hypno-Relaxation, and if you are interested - click here for a FREE Session in the comfort of your own home.
Imagine how your life would be by tapping into your natural abilities to BE, DO and HAVE what you really want in your life, and how it would impact positively on the life of those around you. Instead of accepting the status quo, you can choose to turn all the “I can’t” and “I shouldn’t” into create new possibilities for yourself. Are you now keen to create a positive change in your life?
I can help you feel centered, tap into your inner strength, express your essence and live fulfilled through the ‘Inside-out’ Approach.
Until we meet, take care.
Book your FREE Consultation
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Hi! I’m Cécile Bleskine
I support women lead a fulfilled life, feeling aligned with who they are and what they want
Fascinated by the connection between mind, body and energy, I have specialised in several modalities, that when combined, facilitate personal and professional transformation
My passion for blending neuroscience and meditation (mind), somatic and emotion based work (body) and practices such as reiki and sound healing (energy) creates a profound experience that brings about lasting results
This ‘Inside-out’ Approach is what sets my work apart
If you’d like to know more about how we can work together, click here