Bye bye 2020

I bet that what happened this year wasn’t on your vision board, and what you went through wasn’t included in your goal setting for 2020.

If you’re like me, you’re now looking forward to closing your laptop and disconnecting from Zoom! You also crave some quality time for yourself and with your loved ones over the festive season 💜.

It’s easy to want to say good bye to 2020 and hope to start fresh with a new year after what has been for most people a challenging year. However, more often than not, hard times offer us the opportunity to discover more about ourselves.

So, I would like to invite you to create your own End of Year Review Ritual. You can choose to do it on your own or with your family, including your children.

Set aside some time, put on some great background music, sit comfortably and enjoy!

Ask yourself:

  • What did I discover about myself that I didn’t know?

  • What were my most favorite moments around different areas of my life: family, creativity, friends, romance, financial, health...?

  • What were some of the biggest lessons + ‘ahA’ moments I had? What have I learned?

  • In which ways did this (challenging) year change me for the better?

  • What can I forgive myself and others for?

  • What is important for me to create in 2021? List everything that resonates strongly

Share gratitude for all that’s been given, and all that’s coming…

If you’re keen to start 2021 on the right footing, get in touch.

Imagine how your life would be by tapping into your natural abilities to BE, DO and HAVE what you really want in your life, and how it would impact positively on the life of those around you. Instead of accepting the status quo, you can choose to turn all the “I can’t” and “I shouldn’t” into create new possibilities for yourself. Are you now keen to create a positive change in your life?

I can help you feel centered, tap into your inner strength, express your essence and live fulfilled through the ‘Inside-out’ Approach.

Until we meet, take care.


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Hi! I’m Cécile Bleskine

I support women lead a fulfilled life, feeling aligned with who they are and what they want

Fascinated by the connection between mind, body and energy, I have specialised in several modalities, that when combined, facilitate personal and professional transformation

My passion for blending neuroscience and meditation (mind), somatic and emotion based work (body) and practices such as reiki and sound healing (energy) creates a profound experience that brings about lasting results

This ‘Inside-out’ Approach is what sets my work apart

If you’d like to know more about how we can work together, click here


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