Breathwork for Breakthroughs
When used consciously, the breath alone has the power to create radical transformation in our lives
Exhale the past. Connect with the present. Inhale the future.
A 60min breathwork journey for a full body release and a reset of your nervous system
You are today the product of all that you believe at the deepest unconscious level (if you want to find more how your early childhood shapes your adult life, click here)
Join me for a deep dive into your subconscious body, and connect with the deepest parts of yourself to clear out whatever it is that might be getting in the way of you living and experiencing what you long for
You’ll leave feeling a greater sense of inner peace, self awareness, self compassion and acceptance. Many breathers commonly experience profound clarity, deep insights and heart opening
What it is
“Breathwork” has become a buzz word that encompasses many kind of practices that involves the conscious manipulation of the breath. My invitation is to think of it as simply intentionally “working” with your breath, and letting it be your guide
It’s the conscious act of breathing in one connected breath - connecting the inhale and exhale without any pause
It’s the art of safely increasing the oxygen level in your body to reveal and let go of unconscious programming that inhibits the flow of your life
It’s letting the diaphragm return to its job of helping you breathe
No prior experience or knowledge is required. Check here for the contraindications.
What you need
A reliable internet connection, and access to Zoom - video required
A private space where you can comfortably lie down and where you won’t be interrupted
A paid Spotify account. A curated playlist will be sent to you prior to the session. It is recommended that you play it on a different device that the one you’ll use to connect on Zoom. It’s important that you can hear both my voice + the music clearly, in the order it has been prepared, and can regulate the volume in a way that is best for you
What to expect
Comfortably set up in a quiet, private space where you won’t be interrupted, we will ‘meet’ online
We’ll start the session by discussing and practising Connecting Breathing
Then, whilst you lie down, you’ll be led into a deep state of relaxation and onto breathwork journeying. You’ll be guided to move beyond your conscious “thinking” mind in order to drop into a deeply meditative state, allowing you to access the part of yourself that run your lives, drive your behavior and impact your inner and outer experiences. This includes all of the memories, (often limiting) beliefs, and conditioning that are running on autopilot, most likely without you realising it
Each breathwork journey is unique. It is common, however, to experience vivid memories or visualisations, emotional release, and body sensations
At the end, you’ll be gently brought back to completion, and taken care of to integrate the experience

What a Breathwork Journey can help you with
As humans, we hold onto tension within our bodies and in doing so we create physical, mental and emotional blockages. Breathwork helps:
Release accumulated stress, and re-balance your nervous system (which is crucial for your health)
Express emotions that have been (un)consciously repressed, and experience more joy
Move stuck, stagnant energy out of your system and feel more energised
Experience a deep catharsis (maybe getting the best cry you’ve ever had) that leaves you renewed and feeling lighter
Bypass your conscious brain’s protective mechanisms to uncover patterns that operate in auto pilot and holds you back
Re-connect with your body, and tap into your inner wisdom
Tame your inner critic, and embody more confidence
Increase clarity, awareness, and inner knowing about life, work, purpose, and desires
Experience a sense of oneness
I combine expertise in mindset and somatic coaching (with a trauma-informed approach), so that you can reconnect with your body and experience more balance, calm, clarity, flow and pleasure
Wherever you are in your life, what else is possible?
“Cécile has such a way of making you feel comfortable and safe to go deep, getting to the root of whatever is holding you back”
“I don’t have enough words to express the beautiful and profound experience Cécile provides”